In World War II, the U.S. Army’s 44th General Hospital found themselves at ground-zero of the Japanese counterattack on the island of Leyte. As Japanese infantry infiltrated and enemy paratroopers dropped around them, the 44th’s officers faced a life-or-death decision. Above all, with over 200 patients, the Japanese surrounding them and with no option to retreat, they had to act fast. Should they uphold their oath to “do no harm”? Or do they arm the medical staff and defend themselves and their patients? Do they risk violation of the Geneva Convention or risk death or imprisonment at the hands of the Japanese? But, without authorization to obtain arms, how would they defend themselves? Most importantly, could the 44th hold out until infantry support arrived? Their fate would be determined in what was called “The Battle of Buffalo Wallow”.
Filipino resistance Officers of the 44th General Hospital Japanese paratroopers
The Story of the 44th General Hospital
This book tells the previously unknown and controversial story of the 44th General Hospital, medical professionals who were asked to perform actions over and above their expected duties. The Philippine island of Leyte became the stage for a key battle between the United States and Japan in World War II. U.S. General Douglas MacArthur’s 6th Army invaded Leyte on October 20th, 1944. Soon afterwards, the Army’s 44th General Hospital landed to care for casualties. The 44th was staffed by an experienced group of doctors from the University of Wisconsin. However, they were untrained in combat. Subsequently, they were sent inland to the village of Burauen, very close to the front lines of fighting. And, the hospital tents were set up between three airfields that were recently taken from the Japanese.

The Japanese Counterattack on Leyte
As the U.S. infantry advanced westward, they left the 44th General Hospital and other service units behind, mostly unprotected. The Japanese determined to make Leyte the decisive battle they hoped would turn the tide of the War. Therefore, to counter the American advance, Japanese General Yamashita devised a bold plan. First, there would be a combined infantry and paratrooper attack to retake the airfields on Leyte. The attack placed the 44th and their patients in great peril. Subsequently, the courage and dedication of these medical professionals would be tested in the heat of battle. After the War, the Surgeon General of the Army, Norman T. Kirk, called the 44th General Hospital “the finest that ever served.”

Why I Wrote “The Battle of Buffalo Wallow”
From early on, I grew up hearing my Dad’s stories of his service during World War II. Much later, I connected Dad’s stories with their historical context through my research. Additionally, I came across the stories of many other veterans that served with my Dad. I also connected with some of the veteran’s family members who shared their memories. What I discovered about the 44th General Hospital was even more remarkable than my Dad’s stories indicated. For this reason, I was driven to tell the story of this unique group of World War II veterans. As a result, I self-published a book that tells the amazing story of the 44th General Hospital and the Battle of Buffalo Wallow.
Below, is a link where you can read an excerpt of the book. The “Battle of Buffalo Wallow” is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats:
Posted on November 15, 2020 by Tudie Rose under Book Reviews.